college aspirations
in New London, CT
since 2011

Higher Edge empowers limited income, minority students to enter, succeed in, and graduate from college

Far more than individualized advising that guides high school seniors as they navigate the college application process and make an informed decision, Higher Edge builds a foundation enabling students to persist through until they graduate. To accomplish this work, Higher Edge operates two sequential programs, The College Access Program (CAP) and Success.


Higher Edge builds a foundation that enables students to persist through until their college graduation.
of Higher Edge CAP students enroll in college
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of Higher Edge Success students persist to their second year of college
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of Success students earn their college degree in 4 years. Since 2016, 155 students have earned their college degree.
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“The way Higher Edge supported me was completely guiding me through the college application process. Without them I wouldn’t be able to have received the scholarships that I have gotten and wouldn’t know the things I know now about applying to college.”
New London High School Class of 2021, University of Connecticut Class of 2025